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Donate to support our brave sisters in Rajasthan, India

Funding the 2022 Road to Self-Determination

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Self-esteem, Unity, Independence

These women and girls face enormous challenges and make a brave leap to be involved in one of the many programs at Sambhali Trust. Your gifts support their efforts.

At each Sambhali Trust Empowerment Center, women attend a vocational training program in sewing and embroidery, with classes in Hindi, English, math, and self-defense, and weekly educational workshops on various subjects, from health and nutrition to business skills and women's rights. Graduates receive a sewing machine to continue their road to economic empowerment.

In the afternoons, Empowerment Centers are transformed into Primary Education Centers where children gain the skills they need to enter school, the ongoing support they need to succeed, and a joy of learning. The Centers also incorporate educational workshops, medical check-ups, and instruction in health and nutrition .

At the Boarding Homes, girls from rural villages in the Thar desert who began life headed towards early marriage and basic literacy are instead able to attend a good school and go on to college. The boarding homes emphasize academic excellence along with developing self-esteem and leadership skills as avenues to greater independence.

The Nirbhaya ("Fearless") project supports survivors of gender-based violence through psychological and legal counseling and access to needed services. Through a community outreach and education campaign, the project also takes action to prevent rape, domestic violence, sexual abuse and harassment, dowry harassment, early and forced marriage, and acid attacks.

The Aadarsh ("Ideal") project consists of two workshops given by Sambhali Trust staff in public and private schools in Jodhpur. In the Save Youth/Save Nation workshop, teenagers learn about the physical, mental, and emotional changes of puberty, sexual abuse and harassment, internet safety, and avoiding crime. In the No Bad Touch workshop, children learn what sexual abuse is and how to take action in response to abuse.

With your support, these brave women and girls find their voices and determine their futures.

Please join us by donating today. Thank you!